On Sunday, February 23, our new Youth Ministry Leadership Team hosted a presbytery-wide “Youth Day Get-Away” at Community Presbyterian Church in Atlantic Beach. The day before and the day after were stormy, wet, and cold days – and in between it felt like the clouds parted and a blessing unfolded. Hoping for perhaps 35 kids, the YML team was thrilled that approximately 75-100 youth came from 10 different congregations to make this an exciting event. Those who arrived early joined in the 11:00 AM worship at Community, with Rev. Melanie Marsh-Baum preaching. Pizza was delivered around noon, followed by mixers, group games, and various indoor and outdoor activities. Thanks to everyone who took their time and effort to travel to make the Youth Day successful, and thanks also to Community PC for hosting.

Building on this experience, the Youth Ministry Leadership Team will be planning a Senior High retreat at Camp Montgomery on October 2-4, 2020, and some additional Youth Days in the summer leading up to that retreat. It was a great joy to witness the energy, imagination, and love displayed in this gathering. Special thanks go to the youth and young adults on the team who provided leadership and inspiration: Matthew Beckham, Savannah Beeler, Emma Cottrell, Keith Fowler, Casey King, Reed Mann, Abbie Vancini, McKenzie Williams, and Mitchell Worthy.