PW Moderator’s Report – February 2020

When I volunteered to serve as Vice-Moderator, lo, those many months ago, the Lord put the verse from 1 Corinthians 13:11-12, in my heart: “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became grown, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see as if through a mirror darkly, as a poor reflection; then we shall see face to face.Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” I focused on the first verse of this passage, and I felt that this meant that I would have to really step up to the plate, if I was to fulfill my obligation. Then, I read the next part of the passage, and realized that I would have to show the other members of the team what I was made of, since I don’t really sell myself well! So, it is with Humility and Gratefulness, at your support of me, and now as your Moderator, that I present my first Moderator’s Report!
I attended the Churchwide Annual Gathering of Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of St. Augustine, on January 25th, at Montgomery Conference Center. I received much encouragement on my new appointment, from many of the sisters there! The sermon that day reflected the idea that we are all “Fruit Trees’, capable of sowing seeds that will sprout into more fruit trees, and, which fruit would I be, if I were a tree? I chose a grapefruit, since I am a native Floridian, and, also, the taste of a grapefruit is one that may not appeal to everyone, until they develop a “taste” for it! So, One may not like the taste at first, but then, acquire a taste for it after a few more tries!
I met many new sisters there, many of whom I will be working with in the months, and years to come. I enjoyed speaking with Monica Williams, the new Director of MPCC, and hearing her vision for the improvement of the Camp in the near future. I met Alexandra Hedrick, Presbytery Stated Clerk, and Marigrace Doran, the Presbytery Communication Coordinator. Also present were representatives from ReThreaded, one of the many Missions that we, as Presbyterian Women, sponsor.

I also got an opportunity to attend the Presbytery of St. Augustine Stated Meeting, on February 1, 2020, at Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine. This beautiful, historic Church was the site of the Presbyterian Women’s Church Wide Gathering some years ago, that I also attended, so it was lovely to revisit there. The sermon before the Business Meeting was concerning Jesus’ parable of the Talents. When I had an opportunity to speak, and introduce myself, following most of the Business Meeting, I reflected that I would probably be the slave that buried the talent I was given, since, I can never seem to make any money! But, that is not what this parable is all about. I am certain that, with God’s help, I can accomplish much with the talent that I possess, given from God. I also related the message from Jeremiah, whose mouth was touched by God, so that he was able to profess God’s messages. I preferred to have my mouth touched, and, not burned, as Isaiah had happened, in order to speak as God wishesfor me to speak!
So, my sisters, I am looking forward to continuing the progress that Gayle Bone has so competently initiated. And I know, with your continued support, and faith in me, that we as a team will continue to do Great Things!
Your Sister in Christ,
Daryl Mullee, Moderator, Presbyterian Women,
Presbytery of St. Augustine