By Mary Mickel, Ruling Elder, Woodlawn Presbyterian Church
God truly blessed Woodlawn Presbyterian Church Saturday, February 22nd, with an amazing 150th Anniversary Banquet. The banquet was complete with great food, music, entertainment, and joy in each participant’s heart. Members, families, friends, and guests were awed by the beauty of the room at the Omni Hotel of Jacksonville, and even more awed to witness the love and thanksgiving for 150 years of existence. At the banquet, Lloyd Pearson, 98 years old, and Nancy Watts, 101 years old, were recognized as two of Woodlawn’s oldest members (pictured here).

On Sunday, February 23rd, the celebration continued with a Homecoming Service. The Rev. Brian Henderson, from St. James Presbyterian Church of Charleston, SC, brought the Word. The church was filled with members, family, and friends. Many former members came home to celebrate. It was truly a time of joy and thanksgiving for Family, Faith, and Freedom. We give God thanks for blessing us with 150 years and look forward to how the Holy Spirit will lead us in the future, making disciples of all men.
The Presbytery of St. Augustine had many wonderful representatives present, which added to our joy. A professional photographer was on hand to take pictures of the momentous occasion. (Visit Woodlawn’s Facebook page to see all the wonderful photos!)
- Co-Chair, Elder Mary Brown
- Co-Chair, Elder Caressa Bookhart
- Pastor, Rev. Don J. Johnson