Matthew 25 Stories from Throughout our Presbytery

Our Matthew 25 churches are actively engaged in their communities. We will be gathering stories about their Matthew 25 activities which focus on building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty. If you have a Matthew 25 Moment to share, email our Communications Coordinator with the details.
- Bread of LifeFirst Presbyterian Church of Palatka is a vital church partner with the Bread of Life of Palatka organization as well as numerous other programs and partnerships which serve the Palatka area. All of these ministries are a way to live into their Matthew 25 commitment to the community.Read More →
- Fort Caroline Presbyterian ChurchFt. Caroline Presbyterian Church in the Arlington area of Jacksonville is a Matthew 25 congregation in our presbytery that while small in number, is doing a tremendous amount of ministry supporting their neighbors to overcome poverty and find hope.Read More →
- Palms Presbyterian Food MinistriesPalms Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville Beach has several food distribution ministries which have evolved and grown as community hunger needs were identified. Two of the larger ministry projects are the Mayport Market and Kid’s Kitchen. Mayport Market is a year-round mobile food distribution ministry, while Kid’s Kitchen is a ministry which provides kid-friendly food to children during the summer months. Read More →
- Presbyterian Giving CatalogMany of our presbytery congregations give generously through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. Orange Park Presbyterian Church (OPPC) recently shared this article with us which describes how their Giving Catalog donations are guided by the church’s mission giving principles. Thank you to OPPC for your generosity and for your commitment to meaningful mission and ministry!Read More →
- White Picket FencesPalms Presbyterian Church is pleased to host Amy Julia Becker, author of White Picket Fences: Turning Toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege, for its Visiting Theologian Lecture Series – October 23-24. Learn more!Read More →