Orange Park Presbyterian Church Donates
through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog
Many of our presbytery congregations give generously through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. Orange Park Presbyterian Church (OPPC) recently shared this article with us which describes how their Giving Catalog donations were guided by the church’s mission giving principles. Thank you to OPPC for your generosity and for your commitment to meaningful mission and ministry with a Matthew 25 spirit!
Online Presbyterian Giving Catalog
Small Gifts. Big Impact.
At the end of 2021, Orange Park Presbyterian Church (OPPC) Missions team decided to support three initiatives in the Giving Catalog, but the groundwork for this decision was made much earlier. Each year, the team prayerfully discerns the kinds of ministries to support with its budget dedicated to local and world missions. General principles followed are:
- Be guided by the teachings of Jesus from the Bible
- Be wise stewards of our limited resources (2021 budget just under $10,000)
- Identify missions and missional partners making significant positive impacts in lives
- Seek opportunities where our relatively small donations make a difference in improving lives
In early 2021, as the impacts of the pandemic continued to dominate societies, these missional areas of focus for the year were identified by the Missions team, with a balance between local, national and world missions:
- Inadequate food
- Homelessness/unstable housing
- Inadequate mental health support
- Domestic violence
- Social justice and dignity for all people
- Refugee/immigrant support
- Disenfranchised youth/young adults
Here’s how the team decided to allocate $1,000 toward Presbyterian Giving initiatives (photos represent the giving initiatives as seen on the Giving Catalog website):

- $500 for water filters: providing access to clean water has been a priority for Orange Park Presbyterian Church for many years. In addition to international efforts, we support DigDeep in providing clean water to the Navajo nation. Life and health rely on availability of clean water.
- $300 for seeds: the provision of seeds enables people to grow their own food, rather than receive donated food. Planting and growing food allows people to care for the earth and plants, to work together and to enjoy the produce resulting from their labor. It decreases dependency on others for basic needs.
- $200 for sewing machines: OPPC previously helped begin sewing classes for refugee women in Northeast Florida. We have seen firsthand how learning sewing skills can empower women to benefit not just their own families but extended communities. Access to sewing machines is a critical predecessor to achieving such empowerment.
“We are a mission-focused church at Orange Park,” said Marjorie Phillips, elder and outgoing chair of the Missions team. “Our congregation, leadership and pastor all share a strong commitment to missions, demonstrated by monetary and other donations, such as food and diaper drives; and by policies and budgets that allow Orange Park to be faithful to Christ’s teachings and our established principles,” she explained. “We are blessed and know we are called to share our blessings with others.”