New Things

Rev. Dr. Holly Dillon Inglis
Ministry and Mission Coordinator

I am delighted to begin my work as the Ministry & Mission Coordinator.  This is a big change for me but it is also a change for the presbytery. Chris Lieberman has shared his wonderful gifts of leadership, administration, and pastoral care with us and Sandra Hedrick has not only served very capably as the Stated Clerk of the presbytery but has filled additional roles that have enabled effective ministry to continue during some unusual times. Now things are changing!

William Bridges, a preeminent authority on change and transition said that, “Change is not the same as transition. Change is situational: the new site, the new boss, the new team roles, the new policy. Transition is the psychological process people go through to come to terms with the new situation. Change is external, transition is internal.”

Change is everywhere. Change is an external event – COVID. Change is visible – limited in person contact, wearing masks, fewer people participating in worship. Change happens to us and can happen quickly – executive orders to close public spaces, giving and pledging reduced, sudden diagnoses or death of a loved one. Change is situational. Change is the what.

Transition, on the other hand, is the how – how we deal with change, how we process the changes that are all around us. Transition is an internal, often invisible process, that allows us to react to change in positive ways. It is a journey of letting go, a journey that includes natural emotions; feelings of grief and sadness at what we have left behind but also feelings of joy and anticipation. Transition is a journey of hope – for ourselves, our communities, our churches.

I am filled with hope for this presbytery and for our churches! My hope is rooted in trust and in faith that the God who has called us is faithful and will accomplish all that God has promised. Transitions can be difficult, but I am confident that God will not abandon us and that we have been called together at this time for God’s purpose.

My life has been full of changes recently and it will take me some time to fully transition to my new role as the presbytery “M & M.” I hope to connect with as many of our churches as possible by phone, email, zoom, or in person in ways that are as safe as possible. I am here to walk with you through our mutual journeys of transition. 

The words of the prophet Isaiah comfort me during times of transition: I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. God will make a way and new life will spring forth. May we have the eyes to see it together!