The Presbytery of St. Augustine met on August 25, 2018, at St. Giles Presbyterian Church. Moderator Mary Mickel (Woodlawn) opened the meeting with prayer. Attendance was 186, including 66 teaching elders, 61 ruling elders, and 59 visitors.

After introductions and a greeting by the Rev. Jake Young (St. Giles), worship began about 9:45 a.m. Worship continued in five segments that were woven into the day’s work. The meeting was adjourned at about 3:30 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting was “to consider and make strategic decisions concerning the future of Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center.” The assembly went into a “quasi committee of the whole” for the first few hours of the meeting. The process was designed to give time to listen to one another and to be very open to the leading of the Holy Spirit throughout the day.

Three overtures were presented in this order pursuant to a drawing held just before the presentations:

Overture 1 – Preserving Montgomery’s Mission and Ministry
Overture 2 – Montgomery – a New Hope
Overture 3 – A Celebration and Compassionate Closure of Montgomery

After questions and answers on each overture, we went to enjoy a variety of generous boxed lunches and beverages provided by the church. This was a highlight of the warm hospitality that we all received at St. Giles.

After lunch, there was an opportunity to offer amendments to the overtures. During this time, Overture 2 was withdrawn. Several amendments were offered for Overture 1, but none passed. No amendments were offered for Overture 3. The “quasi committee of the whole” process was deemed completed.

A motion was made and seconded to adopt Overture 1, “Preserving Montgomery’s Mission and Ministry.” The Moderator ensured that all who wished to speak for or against the motion were heard. Overture 1 was then adopted by a vote of 76 to 27, providing for the continued renewal and operation of Montgomery.

The Moderator thanked all participants and asked that a report of the progress on the initial work described in Overture 1 be provided at our Fall Stated Meeting.

The Fall Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of St. Augustine will be held on October 2, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. at Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center.

For the text of Overture 1, click here. For the financial documents presented with Overture 1, click here.

Grace and peace of Christ,
Alexandra (Sandra) Hedrick
Stated Clerk
Presbytery of St. Augustine