The following information will need to be submitted (via the form below) no later than September 6, along with a $20 non-refundable deposit for each estimated participant.

  • Church Name:
  • Youth Leader/Contact Name
  • Contact Info (Phone/email)
  • Estimated number of youth attending
  • Estimated number of adults attending:
  • Breakdown of group (ex: 6 Male Youth, 5 Female Youth, 2 male adults, 1 female adult)
  • Total deposit you will mail to presbytery office: ($20 per participant)
  • As the group leader, we ask that you acknowledge that all adults in attendance have been properly screened and background checked by my church.

In order to guarantee receiving the proper t-shirt size and a printed name tag/lanyard, a roster of names and t-shirt sizes should be submitted (via the upload link below) no later than September 12. 

Final payment will be due on or before you arrive at registration for the event. Cost is $125 per youth participant and $75 per adult participant.

In order to guarantee receiving the proper t-shirt size and a printed name tag / lanyard, a roster of participant names and t-shirt sizes should be submitted no later than September 12. (Stay tuned for details on the submission!)

Estimated Participation in the Fall Youth Retreat

Estimated Attendance

(ex. 6 male youth, 5 female youth, 2 male adults, 1 female adult)
Checks can be made payable to: Presbytery of St. Augustine 1937 University Blvd. W. Jacksonville, FL 32217