Board of Trustees of the Presbytery of St. Augustine

The Trustees shall consist of nine members placed in terms of three years each. They shall serve as the trustees of the Presbytery of St. Augustine, Inc. under the provisions of G-4.0101 of the Book of Order, and shall recommend annually to the presbytery at its Winter Stated Meeting the election of the President of the Corporation. The President may not be the current Moderator of the presbytery or Moderator of the Coordinating Council.

The Trustees of the Presbytery of St. Augustine, Inc. serve under the provisions of G-4.0101 of the Book of Order. The Trustees coordinate their functions with and make reports to the Coordinating Council, subject to their constitutional, fiduciary and legal responsibilities. The Trustees serve as a commission of the presbytery to consider and decide requests for approval and/or guarantee of loans to congregations under the provisions of G-4.0206a of the Book of Order and all requests to sell or lease real property held in trust by congregations of the presbytery under the provisions of G-4.0206a, b of the Book of Order, subject to the exceptions granted by the presbytery under the provisions of G-4.0208 of the Book of Order. 


President & Chair
Ana Lugo-Berrios

Class of 2024

Joyce Lieberman (TE) 
Connie Smith (RE)
Ana Lugo-Berrios (TE)

Class of 2025

Beverly Dempsey (TE) 

Class of 2026

Charles Goodyear (RE)