Current Ministries Committee

The Current Ministries Committee will assess the effectiveness of achieving the stated values of the Presbytery of St. Augustine: relational, communal, and connected, outwardly focused, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, ready to share resources and to develop energetic leadership. It will work with the Lead Presbyter (ex-officio, voice, but without vote) to recommend specific actions to the Coordinating Council, which will enhance these values especially in the area of outward mission. In addition, this committee has the following purpose:

  • Overseeing the presbytery’s mission and outreach activities and serving as the primary access point for the presbytery’s mission partner organizations (including without limitation the Jamaica Ecumenical Mutual Mission, Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center, and any new church or missional community starts), assuring that achievements, opportunities, issues and needs are effectively addressed and communicated to the Coordinating Council, either by the committee chair or by providing time on the Coordinating Council meeting agenda.

The Current Ministries Committee shall consist of six members, including two Coordinating Council members (with one appointed as the chair or two co-chairs), a representative of the Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center (the Director or – if no Director – another representative selected by the Trustees of the Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center), the Moderator of the Presbyterian Women, the chair of the Mutual Mission Team, a representative of the Highlands Regional Ministry Center appointed by the Trustees. The teams shall elect their own chairs (and may elect vice-chairs). The Lead Presbyter and the Communications Coordinator shall serve ex-officio but without vote.

Current Ministries Committee


Nancy Carlton
Presbyterian Women
Larry Green
Highlands Regional Ministry Center
Bob Bell (RE)
Mutual Mission
Rebekah Rodgers
Montgomery Center
Gabrielle Bellamy
Lead Presbyter

For the Current Ministries Teams listed below, please visit the Ministry pages for a list of their Team members.

Presbyterian Women – Visit the PW page to access their yearbook

Mutual Mission Team – Visit the Mutual Mission page

Montgomery Center – Visit the Montgomery Center page