The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) meets every other year and consists of commissioners elected by each of its 172 presbyteries. It includes daily worship, business, committee meetings, an exhibition hall, fellowship, and mission tours.


The 223rd General Assembly will meet in St. Louis, Missouri in June 2018. 


223rd General Assembly Commissioners


Name Status Church/Ministry
David Lee Teaching Elder Highlands United
Paige Porter-Buhl Teaching Elder Covenant
Mary Brown Ruling Elder Woodlawn
Ed Kelly Ruling Elder First Green Cove Springs
Larry Green (Alternate)          Teaching Elder             Westminister
Kristie Hall (Alternate) Ruling Elder Kirkwood
Amy Hunt (Alternate) Teaching Elder Chaplain/Air Force
Bea Newhart (Alternate) Ruling Elder Reddick


223rd General Assembly Young Adult Advisory Delegate
Name Church
Emma Cottrell Community


223rd General Assembly Theological Student Advisory Delegate (TSAD)

Name Church
Forrest Foxworth First Fernandina Beach